Thursday, May 26, 2011

146 of 365 - New Apartment Building

This is a quick sketch of the apartment building I'm moving in to. Keep in mind the building is a bright, neon, canary yellow, and does not look as nice as this drawing. The apartment itself is really nice though, shockingly nice. I'm pretty excited about it, actually. I will be losing my wonderful view of the river, but I'm still close to the good movie theater, and I can live with that.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

137 of 365 - Hitchcock

The one, the only, Alfred Hitchcock. Something similar to this exists as a pillow.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

125 of 365 - Variation on a Demetri Martin Theme

This was Thee Demetri Martin's idea (I say that hoping it gets me brownie points when he decides to sue) - it's from a page in his book - I just made it more detailed, and of course, I drew this one.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

123 of 365 - Grand Forks Graffiti

This is on the back of a building, in an alley downtown. I'm not being philosophical.